Sunday, November 15, 2009
Building steam from a grain of salt...
Step 1: build a proper empire for emo and me
step 2: use this as a springboard to branch out
There's a lot (good lord, a lot) of little steps i'm obviously not listing, but hopefully it'll all add up and someone will take notice.
Raise your flag.
- chem
Building steam from a grain of salt...
Step 1: build a proper empire for emo and me
step 2: use this as a springboard to branch out
There's a lot (good lord, a lot) of little steps i'm obviously not listing, but hopefully it'll all add up and someone will take notice.
Raise your flag.
- chem
Building steam from a grain of salt...
Step 1: build a proper empire for emo and me
step 2: use this as a springboard to branch out
There's a lot (good lord, a lot) of little steps i'm obviously not listing, but hopefully it'll all add up and someone will take notice.
Raise your flag.
- chem
Thursday, November 5, 2009
All is flux
As far as I can see, safety is in constants, yet the only constant I'm aware of is change. So…we'll never be safe? I know. I have an incredibly positive outlook on life. In all honesty though, this seems to be the way of the world. And to those of us that have figured that out, even if only on a subconscious level, it's an all-together frightening thing. Frustrating really. Many of us have been brought up on the notion that it's irrelevant if something is fair because life does not apparently lend itself to any such concept as fairness. Life just isn't fair. A universal truth, that as much as we try to ignore by masking it with religion and morals or nebulous concepts of justice, we just have to deal with.
Hereclitus, a greek philosopher I only know about because of a related google query, was apparently the founder of the "change as a constant" school of thought. By that merit I like to think that he was also aware that life isn't fair. I mean how can it be? If everything changes, then that includes the context in which any given event occurs. This is obviously the case because a hundred and fifty years ago I could explain the theory of spontaneous generation and that would completely make sense. This would be the same reason why 50 years ago I could be called a spick and no one would bat an eye. Context.
The universe doesn't care about your struggle with scientific ignorance or racial equality. Or your ability to fight and overcome them for that matter. When the context changes, it's all moot. I mean context on a universal scale. Such as you, in the context of a being on this earth. The context of earth, being a planet that revolves around an actively burning ball of fire. Yes this context will change. You will be dust. And it will be dark. However, in the context of today. It's only wednesday; and you have work tomorrow.
And if you don't have work tomorrow…well that's just not fair :)